What happened, and how it matters to you.

How our home became targeted by a group of locals and officials, and how it matters to everyone.

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How can someone take your home?

It can happen to you too.

No one can "force" you into selling your home, but they can intentionally demolish everything you liked about it. They can transform it into a place you would no longer like to live. Building statutes can be violated, and they can fill your neighborhood with individuals who will do everything they can to pressure you into selling and moving out, and the legal system won't do anything about it. Which accomplishes the same thing as forcing you into selling your home.



It is not what they did, but it's how they did it.


While protecting our family's home of sixty years we have been harassed, swatted, shot at, stalked, cursed out, jailed, property vandalized, mail box stolen, mail tampered with, all the property around us developed, targets of smear campaign, blacklisted, and physically threatened. Which made it seem obvious someone is trying to force us into moving off our land.

Regardless of all signs pointing to the same handful of politically privileged individuals, it is still not clear what we did to deserve it, and no one can tell us either. Furthermore, it could only have been accomplished through the aide of a lawyer. Meaning, whether it was comprehensively planned or not, it all appears to be premeditation.



There are too many convenient coincidents.

Especially, when there is a track record.

Who is doing this, and what did they do?

Predominantly, the county Fire Chief and the county Zoning Administrator, several other county officials, and associates of the same individual who was approved to build the solar power plant in 2018. It started with mild acts of harassment, then in 2019 it quickly escalated when the Fire Chief used the death of a neighbor to setup himself and another firefighter with a lucrative real estate deal. Which lead to all the property in front of us being illegally developed into a subdivision, and our family enduring constant harassment.

How does this effect you?

By refusing to penalize developers for ordinance violations the county is allowing millions of dollars in revenue to go uncollected. Money collected from ordinance violations are used to supplement funds generated by tax revenue, and are directly tied to the amount of taxes paid by every resident of the county. By refusing to collect revenue generated from ordinance violations, the county is refusing to alleviate the burden the burden felt by local taxpayers. Furthermore, it encourages contractors to violate the law, because it provides no incentive for obeying it.


Two individuals turned rural into suburbia.

Their legacy is the scorched earth they left behind.

We were rural before they came.

In the beginning

The first drained our wells for his private lake and took half the neighborhood.

The first Moved in.

The second destroyed everything we had managed to hang on to.

The second Moved in.


The Smear Campaign

Section 2

The ultimate form of self projection.

The smear campaign conerning us was suspected for some time and it was fairly obvious. Long term friendships disappeared, aquaintances became distant, but what really stood out was the change in the behavior of complete strangers. The intensity of smear campaigns become more aggressive the closer you become to the source, which was the case with the Fire Chief and John Doe. We do not know what it is we have been accussed of, it can't justify what has been done to us. As a result of the smear campaign, the son of a former neighbor betrayed 45 years of friendship, and conspired with the Fire Chief to destroy our home.


Crooked Real Estate Deal

Section 4

Neighbor's son rewards 45 yrs of friendship with knife in the back.

By openly smearing and trashing our family's name, the Fire Chief convinced the son of a former neighbor to completely turn his back on the forty five years of friendship our families have shared. Fully knowing what it meant for our family and our home, the son ignored our numerous inquires into the well being of his father, as well as our offers to purchase the land across the street to secure our way of life. Rather than allow a licensed realtor to sell the property, he gave sole control over the sale to the Fire Chief. Who violated state law by brokering the real estate deal himself without a license, and sold the land to one of his fellow fire fighters in a sweet heart deal for considerably less than what it was worth.


Neighbor's son rewards 45 yrs of friendship with knife in the back.

By openly smearing and trashing our family's name, the Fire Chief convinced the son of a former neighbor to completely turn his back on the forty five years of friendship our families have shared. Fully knowing what it meant for our family and our home, the son ignored our numerous inquires into the well being of his father, as well as our offers to purchase the land across the street to secure our way of life. Rather than allow a licensed realtor to sell the property, he gave sole control over the sale to the Fire Chief. Who violated state law by brokering the real estate deal himself without a license, and sold the land to one of his fellow fire fighters in a sweet heart deal for considerably less than what it was worth.


Section 4

The county's illegal involvement

Step 3

County officials openly lied to conceal and protect their friend's illegal land development.

It wasn't long after the purchase, we began to find out why the Fire Chief forced these new neighbors on us. They were there to develop the are, run us out of the neighborhood, and they had help doing it too. It was a complete disregard for anything or anyone else but themselves, they simply did not care what they destroyed or who they hurt. We have never seen anything else like it. They racked up several million dollars in violations to building statutues, the Zoning Administrator either lied or flat out refused to do a thing about it. The Administrator even went as far as concealing her approval of their subdivision right by our home. The County completely backed all of it, refused to hold anyone accountable, and refused to enforce federal law. It was a setup from the start.


Network of Associations

A network map showing connections and relations.

Every person who played a significant role in targeting our family, and are all related in one way or another. All of it points to the involvement of one person with motivation.

erDiagram abernathy["A. B. Abernathy"] { Position Factor "Connecting Factor" Action Orchestrator } doug["D. Matthews"] { Position Fireman "County Fire Chief" Action PrimaryActor "Thug and Relative of Abernathy" } matt["M. Dayton"] { Position Executor "Neighbors Son" Action Conspirator "Fully knew what would happen" } dayton["W.E. Dayton"] { Position Neighbor Action None "Ailment gave Opportunity" } josh["J. Sappington"] { CoPosition RuralWaterAssoc "Head of the Rural Water Association" Position Realtor "Realtor at Team One" Action Misinformed } tylers["E. Tyler && R. Simmons"] { Position Developer "Transfored rural to suburban" Action Destroy "Abernathy's Thugs" } Anita["A. Buice"] { Position Zoning "County Zoning Administrator" Action Enabler "Refused to enforce the law, Violated the law" } jeanie["J. Haddock"] { Position Assessor "County Tax Assessor" Action CoverUp "Online Property Tax Records" } scott["S. Mayfield"] { Position Attorney "Current County Attorney" Action Lawlessness "Protected Illegal Practices" } ryran["R. Traylor"] { Position Chairman "Chairman of the County Commissioners" Action Enabler "Aware of Everything, Did Nothing..." } abernathy }|--o{ doug : Lead tylers ||--|{ abernathy : Recruited doug }|..|o matt : Coerced doug |o--o{ tylers : Alliance matt }|--|{ dayton : Represented abernathy ||--|{ josh : CoverUp abernathy ||..|| jeanie : Influenced abernathy }|--|{ ryran : CoverUp jeanie |o--o{ Anita : Influenced doug }o--o| scott : Involved


Timeline of Events

timeline title Timeline of Events 2016-2020 2016-06-03 : Discovery of plans for a Solar Power Plant 2019-11-19 : First set of tire tracks throughout front yard 2020-04-09 : Discovery of numerous tire tracks throughout front yard 2020-04-26 : Doug shows Dayton property to potential buyer 2020-10 : First letter written to Dayton without response 2020-12-31 : Chief Matthews purchases Dayton Property
timeline title Timeline of Events 2021-2022 2021-01-01 : Shane Tyler vandalizes yard with truck and trailer 2021-02-26 : Shane Tyler begins to clear land before sale is finalized 2021-03-23 : Sheriff Dept raids home over false allegations - beginning of difficulties with L.E.O. 2022-02-22 : Discovery of Chief Matthews Poaching location 2022-10-07 : Mr. Dayton Passes 2022-11-07 : Neighbor's kids through party until 2-3am
timeline title Timeline of Events 2023-2024 2023-12-18 : Informed of Subdivision 2023-10-22 : Detained in county jail, reason unknown - Fire Chief ignores calls for aid in search. 2023-12-23 : Neighbors steal mailbox with important tax documentation. 2024-05-12 : Firearm discharged by neighbor while walking dog.

But wait, there is more!

Not even the tip of the iceberg

There is so much more, we have barely even begun, and hasn't stopped either. We still are experiencing harassment and they are still doing everything they can to destroy our home and our lives. We still have no idea what we are accussed of, but we are resolute to inform others of what is happening to us. Both creating our sites and filling in the needed information is going to be a very long process, so please have patience with us through this process. For more information on our story, click the button below.

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